Monday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 9/18/11 7:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

The weekends go way to fast!!!

Today I'm working till 4, then class till 10, long day.

New class starts tonight. It's been a rough start to this class. The syllabus and all materials were finally made available to the class yesterday. Usually we have a couple weeks notice of the syllabus and all so we know what our workload will look like. So I'm not really liking the start to this class, however, I do like the professor so hopefully that will make up for the things that have made most of the class uncomfortable so far.

Very long day ahead.

Hope everyone has an awesome day...



Liz R.
on 9/18/11 8:49 pm - Easton, PA
Good MOrning Ida - Weekends sure do go way too fast! Why can't the work week follow suit? lol

I am at work today until 3:30 then off to physical therapy for my back. Orthopaedic wants me to loose 30 pounds - ugh! So today is back to basics for me... I am also battling some kind of a head cold / allergies and a raging headache. Always a good way to start a monday... add in the PMS and it's a winner (sorry for the TMI).  After PT tonight headed to my Mom's to hang with her and Amelia.

Enjoy the beautiful weather today!
on 9/18/11 8:58 pm
Hi everyone! I have tried to step back a bit but do miss my daily check here I am!

I'm aggravated about my weight - as of today I have regained 10 lbs. So like LIz, it is back to basics. Problem for me is that I have to travel this week and eat in restaurants, so that will be a challenge. I am up for it though! I've handled things like this before and I'll handle them now!

Not sure if I told you this, but as of Oct 1, I will be going part time at work, on a 3 day a week schedule. This is FANTASTIC and I hope will allow me to have a better balance to life in general. I also hope it will be a key to fully dealing with the depression.

I'm really enjoying working on my blog - it's updated, if anyone wants to take a peek!

Take care everyone!
on 9/18/11 10:41 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - my days has had its ups and downs already - was up most of the night with a sick puppy - if I got 2 hours sleep that was a lot. Wish I could have stayed home but had a big group coming in today so hubby stayed home with the dog and I'll try to get him an appointment at the vet later. That was the down part (even those I was UP most of the night!).

The real UP part is that I got in to work and had the pre-approval letter waiting for me from the lender we're using to buy the house in Florida - WOO-HOO !!! Now all we need is an agreement from the seller - haven't heard back on that, yet - hopefully today!! Keep crossing those fingers for me (save the prayers for those who are really in need).

I hear you on the back-to-basics, Liz - I caught a side shot of myself in the mirror this morning and am thoroughly disgusted with my gain . And I really need to get moving and get it off because I don't have the abundant energy that I had when I hit my lowest numbers, and I felt SOOO good then. So B-T-B for me as well. I do have quite a few things on hand to help with that, but need to pick up a few items at the store tonight.

So now to wait to hear from the realtor - OMG I'm so nervous!!!!

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/18/11 11:26 pm - Lancaster, PA
Ida I am glad things are starting to get a little more normal for you.

Liz I am with ya I have some lbs to lose as well and I keep putting it off. Today I have a stock pile of healthy choices for work and home so I don't impulse buy bad things.

I am at work had a rough night with the burn on my hand God it hurt put me to tears. But I am doing better today it is all wrapped up and not hurting as much. I could not miss any work. My director is off this week and I am in charge and we are worried about a surprise visit from the State so I gotta be here.

I have a client this evening as well so I will be busy busy

Hope you all are doing well and have a good day
on 9/18/11 11:35 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good morning Ida and all of PA.....I am here at work and have had a very up and down weekend.

I found out that the mother of one of my students passed away on Saturday morning after only a 9 month battle with cancer.  I think I may have mentioned this person and family previously, however, this is a family that I fell in love with just about immediately when I met them at back to school night last year.  It is a great story.  I have been teaching at my school since 2000.  I know many of the families of the students I have.  So, at back to school night last year, I found myself hugging and kissing some of the parents that I knew, and a couple comes up to me and adorably says, "hey, don't we get hugs and kisses?"  Well, being the lunatic I am, I said, "of course" and hugged and kissed them as well.  Who would have known that two months later that woman would be diagnosed with cancer and then the next day her mother, the grandmother of our student, would die.  When my student told me about both of these things, I immediately told the young man that I too, had a mom with cancer and it truly sucks.  He looked at me with these eyes of understanding and I told him at that moment that if he needed to laugh, cry, scream, holler or yell, I am the one to do it with, I then added, "After all, I am gifted at crying!"  He went home to tell his parents that information.  The dad wrote me a letter thanking me profusely for making his son feel so comfortable with what he was about to go through.  I certainly didn't think that I did anything special, just showed concern and understanding for a student.  Turns out, it was a huge deal to this family.  I then became, according to his dad, "part of the family."  I was included in all the updates of the mom's treatments, like the rest of his support system and the son and I talked sometimes, as HE needed, about what was happening with his mom and how it was affecting him.  He was actually doing quite well.  All his work was done, he found his voice and sarcasm....He came from an amazing family that valued education, so no wonder he did so well.

Sigh, I am getting teary writing this.  Several times we were not sure she was going to make it to his graduation.  But she rallied often and was there in June, she looked healthy - and at that time, she was in a good swing.  However, the summer proved to be too much.  The updates were more frequent with moer sad news.  The day before school started for my student, his first day of High School, the doctors advised the family that she would no longer be able to fight the cancer.  It had one and it would just be a matter of time.  Their wedding anniversary was Friday, 22 years.  She was in no pain and was unable to communcate.  She waiting, as I truly believe, until that day was over and calmly passed at 1:50 AM on Saturday morning.  I am writing this because I am so sad for this amazing family, the dad and their amazing son have touched my life and my heart and the dad has thanked me over and over for being THAT teacher for their son.  I kept reminding him that their son was THAT student to me!  It is a true team that got him through the past year.

So my day today consists of condolences for all of us here at my school, I am not the only teacher that was touched by this family.  It is a sad day here.  Many of my current students know my former student as he only graduated last year.  After school today, Molly has a therapist appointment in which it will NOT be pleasant as she has had a mouth on her this weekend and this morning.  Man, I wanted to smack her across the face....I somehow held it together and sent her off to school unharmed....but boy, did I take her emotion with me this morning.  That I think is what I have to work on with my therapist.  I mentioned it last week - the usurping thing that Swede thought was soooo cool that I could use that word, eye roll!

Then tonight we need to get everything we need to go camping this weekend together so that Larry or I can pick up any supplies that we may need.

Otherwise, just teaching and getting through the day.
Lisa H.
on 9/19/11 1:57 am - Whitehall, PA
 Steffi, you are such an amazing woman/teacher/friend/support person.  

So glad you have been there for this student as if he was one of your family.  Sorry for the loss of his mother.  

Hope today isn't too bad. 

My tracker


on 9/19/11 3:05 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you!  I only treat these children as I hope and pray my children's teachers treat them.  And so far, for the most part, that is what I have found.  So far today, it has been ok.  I have only teared up a little and I did tell my current students to reach out to this young man if they know him.  Some do and are upset as expected.  Sigh.....I HATE cancer!  Just saying!
Patricia R.
on 9/19/11 12:15 am - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,
I was going to start a reply hours ago, but fell asleep in my rocking chair instead.  I was going to make a 9:00 meeting this morning, but woke up after 9:00 when my landlady called to ask if I would be home around 11:00 to let a repairperson into the basement.  The new tenant, in my old apartment, is having problems with the dryer, the same problems I had.  My landlady and I believe it is an electrical problem, not the dryer itself, because it keeps blowing fuses, and it happened with the first dryer they installed before I moved in.  

Today has me working on emptying more boxes and making the noon AA meeting.  I also need to call the hospital where I work, to find out when they want me to come in for training.  They have been closed since the storms, and is having mandatory trainings for the entire staff prior to reopening, during the reconstruction.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/19/11 1:22 am
Good Morning PA!!

Ida- hope your day goes quickly!!
Liz-hope your back is better
Steffi-sounds like it is an emotional time for you and your students!
Nicole-hope your hand heals quickly!

Today is Monday...blah, blah!! Work first job until 3:20 then off to the second job until 5. Then home to make something for dinner, homework, shower and bed. Then I get to do it ALL over again!!
Decided to do some dress shopping yesterday for Dee and I. Ran into a GREAT deal for me! Got a real nice suit that was originally $108 for $19.99!!! Yippee!! Got Dee a really cute dress for $13.50. I am such a bargain shopper!! Now I have to find comfy dress shoes to go with said outfit that don't cost a fortune!

That is it for me!
Have a great day...
Love to all, Beth">">>

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